Tales of the Tuatha (Chapters 35 & 36)

We are nearing the end my dear readers- only one more installment to go after this and why has it become such a struggle and so, so hard!!? I revised and re-revised these two chapters till my eyes fell out and my brain froze. I hesitated to push the post button. I have to stop. I can think no more.  So without further ado here it is in it’s current imperfection awaiting a few future tweaks. And for those who don’t want to read I hope you will enjoy the images.


Griogal Cridhe (Beloved Gregor)


 The Arrival at the Spring

The red stag led the way through a grove where light billowed like a veil between the trees. He would go no further. Stopping short of an opening in the thicket he bowed his head in blessing. Before he turned to go, Niamh looked into his knowing eyes and in their mirrored depths she thought she saw Bran retreating into the forest. She stepped through the woodland portal and into a swirling cloud that slowly materialized into a narrow rocky clearing.  At the far end was a stony incline and water poured out of a crevice into the pool below. It took a moment for her to realize that she had at long last arrived at her destination! Overwhelmed, she sat down and tightly held the pouch containing her dreams. Letting her thoughts drift with the mists that were moving over the wildflowers and bluebells she was soon lulled into deep slumber.

The day folded itself into the cavern of night. A thousand torches were lit in procession spirit fallsdawnglowacross the sky with the Lady Moon soon following. Out of the shadowy trees Niamh saw two human figures approach carrying torches of their own. One of them looked like the unfamiliar holy man she had met in the woods. The other had flowing white hair, and though his step was heavy, a fierce light blazed in his eyes. She recognized  him as the rider she had seen on the path when she met the Morrigan. Neither of the two men seemed aware of her presence and Niamh wondered if she had yet to awaken.


The Ninth Dream

Solemnly the white haired one dropped a glowing object into the spring.  It slowly grew dimmer as it sank beneath the starlit surface. He then knelt down and the light in his own eyes dimmed. Tears trickled down his lined cheeks and fell into the pool.  She watched him bow his head as the younger man poured water from a pitcher over him. Niamh was aware that this was a sacred ceremony. Was it the baptism of which the unknown priest had spoken – and what terrible price had been demanded for its benediction?lagoonglen

The old man seemed weary and lay down soon afterwards. He closed his eyes and Niamh saw the Morrigan of death alighting nearby as a crow. She felt grief and confusion. Loneliness filled her like the howl of a wolf and the pouch she carried suddenly became full of heavy stones. Was this the woeful end of the journey? She longed to go home but the quest was not complete. Somehow the mysterious rider was bound to her own destiny. He had sacrificed something very precious. It wasn’t just the old ways he had returned to their ancient source, it was the magic that he had forsaken. It was her own vision! She didn’t know how he had come by it but she knew there was something yet to be revealed.  She would need to retrieve this last and most powerful dream.


42 Comments Add yours

  1. DG MARYOGA says:

    Wonderful storytelling photos and gripping narrative with plenty of emotional outburst punctuating the transitory moments!Love your powerful writing style,no wonder you are desiccated of emotional vitality some times …
    Overwhelming photos veiled with magical light and soft nuances!
    Although I live in a country with brilliant sunshine all the time,I am always entranced by the dim lighting of the sceneries and the mystic ambiance!
    Grear work Cybele Dear 🙂 xxx


    1. what a beautiful comment Doda!! I am very honoured and yes I have to try not to deplete myself sometimes lol!! I like the misty hills and mystery too but I remember Delfi being misty too in November I think it was!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. DG MARYOGA says:

        Misty or mystical ? lol
        We get some overcast days too,especially during autumn or winter,but the very special energy of the Delphi Field is the same no matter the weather conditions 🙂 xxx

        Liked by 1 person

  2. One episode to go! This has been such a wonderful journey. 😀 Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you for taking the journey with Niamh my friend!


  3. Beautifully poignant, wonderful imagery in your words and photos, you transported me to an enchanted land 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. so happy to have you in the enchanted land – which I believe is next door to yours!! Thank you Andrea!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. lauramacky says:

    Oh noooowww I see what you mean! First, you’re a beautiful writer even if it’s melancholy. I get lost in your photos though as I’m sure you know. They are simply stunning and beautiful and softens the melancholy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Laura you’ve come over to the dark side! 😀 That means a lot to me! Thanks so much for reading and yes, this tale is rather sad and melancholy- I have a bit of that in me- old misty bogs , and traitors and thieves. lol. I’m so glad you enjoyed the read and the images!!


      1. lauramacky says:

        hehehe you’ve roped me in! lol

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Such a weight for Niamh to carry. I feel for her, that she needs releasing from destiny’s burden, to fly free like a beautiful butterfly.
    Your magical words induce such wonder in the reader, Cybele. I sort of want to know how the tale ends, but I also don’t want to say goodbye to Niamh.


    1. You know Sarah I so appreciate your wonderful comments. Her burden and journey has been a heavy one- I hope not too depressing for readers- I wonder if it has reflected my own psyche ( these last few burdensome years)- but honestly I am quite happy most times :)- just a touch of inherited melancholy in the soul.
      I love her too and hate to say goodbye but she must return home at last and she won’t be alone. I hope it somehow ties together. Thank you so much for your support and calling my words magical. I’m honoured by that!! The stories were a bit disparate as I said and suddenly turned into a direction that surprised me so I went with it! Only one more!! 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know all about inherited melancholy in the soul, Cybele, but never for a moment have I felt depressed by Niamh’s journey, or your telling of it. Stories have a way of taking surprising twists and turns if you allow the characters to take the lead. This is so much more exciting for a writer than rigid plotting.


      2. you are so encouraging!! It’ spurs me on!! Thanks Sarah!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. betunada says:

    i have entered this realm too late to read it all — and look forward to THAT perhaps when the entire series is in one convenient location? (and i have a bit more time). however I want to ask: are all those images created/photos/drawn? conjured up by you? Dream-?Time !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you so much Betunada! Yes eventually I will try to tie it together more coherently!! It kind of led me along ! I appreciate your lovely comment!!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Cybele, you create wonderful images with your words. And one final installment to go! xxoo


    1. yes, sadly!! Lots of revising of the whole thing later I think! But thank you so much for reading!! that means a lot to me.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Peter Nena says:

    So short! Just when my hunger had grown, the story ended. Anyway, I will wait for the next installment. It has been an emotionally moving journey.


    1. and so hard to finish right now. I so love Niamh that sweet child of fate! but it is all (loosely) based on an old mythological tale which I will give a synopsis at the end. Thank you always for you great support and enthusiasm!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. robert87004 says:

    One chapter to go! Wow. Will there be a post with the complete story, to be read all at once? I know I forget details from earlier on.


    1. I do too Robert lol!! The whole group will probably need a revising as I kind of digressed and went this way and that with them!Thank you so much for reading Robert!! ( it’s been fun to write for the most part)


  10. sixpixx says:

    Beautiful story telling, beautiful images. So NOT old fashioned. Your writing always reminds me of the books I shared with my sons (the ones I got to read after they had finished them) as they approached adulthood. We devoured fantasy novels from authors like Garth Nix, Christopher Paolini, Alison Croggon… Wonderful fantastical tales. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am delighted that you like them Six!! Thanks so much!!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Maverick ~ says:

    Amy took my word *stunning*. Beautifully intertwined.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks Maverick. Your comment means a lot!


  12. Amy says:

    Enjoyed the reading, but these images are stunning, Cybele! The swan… I lost my words…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. so happy you enjoyed both Amy. I love the swan too! Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Maria F. says:

    What a fascinating writer you are Cybele! You are a joy to read and see.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks for such a lovely comment Maria!! I sometimes am so hesitant to press that post, but a comment like yours makes the writing worth while!!! Blessings!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Bojenn says:

    I love your imagery and goes so well with your story. I am learning from you. Thank you so much. I think we are kindreds…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. what a lovely and kind thing to say. I find myself a bit old fashioned in style but always hope my stories might enchant!! Thank you and I so enjoy your blog and tales.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Bojenn says:

        You are just as you should be… I love your page and your stories…

        I’m a follower that learns from you and your “old fashion ways.” Keep it up!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. many thanks!!- blogging is a fun and great way to learn from each other!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Bojenn says:

        Yes, it is and to meet kindreds!

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Sue says:

    Oh, my! You mean I have to wait for the final episode?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. not too long I hope Sue! thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sue says:

        I enjoyed it! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. makes my day!!! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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