My haunted offering to Monochrome Madness

 for Leanne and Laura’s Monochrome Madness 35 – and in celebration of Halloween

For those who like multi media I include two” haunting” pieces of music in medley from a much underrated film about – an enchanted girl who rises out of a modern day swimming pool, and a call to change which is as relevant today as it was when it was written in the sixties.  Whisper in the Noise is the name of the group singing the times they are changing with the plaintive sound of  those children who will inherit this earth from us, joining in the refrain. 

Times are a changing and I’m hoping that we are not too late nor that we have become too jaded or deaf to hear what the universe is whispering.

 “It will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls, for the times they are a changing”

I met a scrying girl in the highlands

The Spae Wife

The Spae Wife in Shades

 who wove a ghostly tapestry of


 Urquhart Castle


and told me that we must always remember and come to peace with a

Ghost that we knew

“Ghost that we knew”

and to be respectful of

tree troll

the howling tree troll

Background mythology:

A spae wife is a term of  Scottish, specifically Orkney and Viking origin, She is a respected witch, well versed in herbal medicine and old wisdom, often with a gift of foresight.

scrying ( as with a crystal ball) is usually used for spiritual purposes as opposed to fortune telling

I was touched by Ghost That We Knew ,  a beautiful and emotional modern dance piece performed  with an astonishing maturity  by young Spencer Dance Company students between 13-15yrs of age in Victoria BC. It was so relevant to me.

A troll was a  supernatural being from Nordic myth, who usually lived under mountain and hill but there were a few who lived in the roots of trees. They might be compared to the monster Grendel and his mother in the legendary 8th Century Anglo Saxon epic, Beowulf.

Just for interest,  how much of myth is based in truth!!?  Michael Crichton theorized that the troll like creatures mentioned in his book, based on the writings of a 10th century Arabic diplomat who traveled with the Vikings,(“Eaters of the Dead”) might have been a last group of surviving  and cannibalistic Neanderthals. Far fetched perhaps but…..?

55 Comments Add yours

  1. dbp49 says:

    Another great visit. Loved the music selections and the photos were very appropriate. The vocalist has a truly haunting voice. Amazing. Thanks very much.


    1. thanks so much for your visit again and lovely comment!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Amazing photos!


    1. thank you Indah!!!


  3. DG Hardy says:

    A fabulous presentation of music,text, images & film so stunningly woven, my dear! Soo deeply touching of that oft neglected, ancient place in us. Thank you & all that is for your tremendous gift!

    Hugs, DG


    1. lovely comment! Thanks so much DG!!


  4. Fascinating about scrying. The girl in your picture looks almost as if she’s making the ball float in the air.

    Talking about trolls, have you seen that quirky Norwegian movie “The Troll Hunter”? Just in case you haven’t, here’s a link to a trailer to convince you to watch the whole thing.


    1. She does! She was quite nimble with it!! I will check that movie out Sarah. Thanks!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Peter Nena says:

    Love “the howling tree troll” and “the ghost that we knew” photos. Fine narration, by the way. Few words, deep subject–just as you do with Niamh’s story.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Hallow’s Eve Peter!! ( if you celebrate that in Kenya!!) I think it’s more a North American thing!! Thank you for stopping by and for your always wonderful comments!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Peter Nena says:

        Happy Halloween, Cybele. Last year there was a story on TV about some Kenyans buying Halloween costumes. I was surprised, but the world is a small place these days. So Halloween is celebrated here as well.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Aquileana says:

    Spooky post dear Cybele… Great photographs and music over here… All the very best to you, Aquileana 😀


    1. thanks so much Aquileana. I’m so glad you stopped by!!


  7. Super spooky images! That first one really creeped me out. 🙂


    1. oh She was actually a sweetheart of a spae wife!! Thanks Circ!!! I’m glad you were spooked!! 🙂 Happy Hallow’s Eve!!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Amy says:

    This is way too cool! I’m so amazed, Cybele 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for your comment Amy!! Glad you liked them!


  9. I love your atmospheric photos and spooky Scottish story . I haven’t heard the term ‘spae wife’ before for a white witch. Very interesting and happy Halloween 🙂


    1. The term may have originated in the Orkney Islands where there is a strong Viking influence. Thank you for your lovely comment!! Happy Halloween to you too!!


  10. Wow, beautiful photos. I love them all. I always seem a bit partial to castles but what you did with the dancers is phenomenal! 🙂


    1. thank you Linda!!! Yes I rather like how that one turned out!!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. soonie2 says:

    Fantastic pairing of images and music! Wonderfully done!


    1. thank you so much for your visit and your lovely comment!!


  12. sixpixx says:

    Oh, wow! They’re all wonderful but I especially love what you have done with the image of the dancers.


    1. thanks so much Six!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Incredible monochrome shot Cybele, amazing!


    1. I’m honoured that you like them!! Thanks Della!!


  14. robert87004 says:

    An completely, totally awesome first photo, Hannah!


    1. thanks so much Robert!!


  15. Love the way you’ve used the photographs and music to illustrate your spooky tale Cybele 🙂


    1. thank you Andrea!! A bit of spooky fun!!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. betunada says:

    hmmmmmmmmmmmmm >> verrrrrrrrry N ter arresting.


    1. Thank uuuuu!! 🙂


  17. lauramacky says:

    The Ghost We Knew is a masterpiece imho! All are amazing of course, but that one really made an impression on me. It is fantastic.


    1. I might put that one in next weeks’ Monochrome Madness! It was very emotional for me- the whole concept! Thank you Laura, I’m glad it touched you too.


      1. lauramacky says:

        Aww yeah it did :). And youre welcome 🙂


  18. Wow, what a great and dramatic presentation Cybele! The scrying girl photo is especially awesome! ❤❤❤;^)


    1. yes she was very sweet! And the old “kirk” in the background made for an interesting contrast and effect I hoped. The whole area up there was breathtaking! Lots of mist and mountains so very mysterious!

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Roy McCarthy says:

    Lovely adaption of Dylan’s song there Cybele. Interesting indeed about the origins of myth and legend – they must have at least a tenuous link in fact.


    1. Agreed about myth Roy! Yes I thought the interpretation of the Dylan song had a very ghostly effect. Thank you for your visit and comment!!


    2. PS I’;m looking forward to your book to be published December!


      1. Roy McCarthy says:

        Indeed there’s bit of Celtic whimsy in there too 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  20. suej says:

    Great tale and fantastic images, Cybele!


    1. thanks so much Sue!! Glad you dropped by!!


      1. suej says:

        Good!! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  21. Suzanne says:

    What an interesting Halloween post – ghoulish but with a happy ending – I agree too that things are changing and whispers of a new and brighter future can be heard every day if you listen.


    1. I hear you Suzanne. I think always there are people who will carry the torch and move forward!!


  22. Mark Simms says:

    I love your inventiveness and imagination Cyb 😊


    1. thanks so much Mark!! Always happy to see your comment!!


  23. Maria F. says:

    Great effects Cybele.


    1. thank you Maria!!!!


  24. The howling tree troll is awesome! I like colorful pictures but I do know that monochrome has its own power 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
    P/S: You are so great with monochrome, I always too scare to try it ❤


    1. thank you so much for your lovely comment Voth!!

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Interesting tale you tell,
    You always manage to do it well.


    1. thanks Snow!!! brrhahaha

      Liked by 1 person

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