Summer Molasses

Me back again, waving madly.  Don’t ask, as this last while is still surreal.  I have nothing, I have everything.  This has been a year of personal crisis, slowly readjusting itself. I have given up sorting  through the constantly changing puzzle pieces and am now at least for the time, an observer. So with nothing…

The day the moon tried to swallow the sun

Greetings from the island!! Finally another posting from this busy summer. I’ll be catching up with you all. Days before the eclipse I realized I had waited too long ( as usual) to find a solar filter for my Canon and everyone was sold out of solar glasses as well. Luckily I had a pair…

A Summer Alchemy

Alchemy is an ancient practice shrouded in mystery and secrecy. Its practitioners mainly sought to turn lead into gold, a quest that has captured the imaginations of people for thousands of years. Alchemy: A seemingly magical transformation.  There was a very strong spiritual component involved – a belief in the connection of all things;  that…

I must begin somewhere

because the ending is yet to be written.   Morning arrives on the mountain side. It’s summer at last! I wake up to such a profound quiet I wait a moment for my soul to return from wandering until I finally hear the wind in the trees, a bird’s song or the faint hum of…

Songs and Dreams

Here I am again at last, on the threshold of a dream. I’ve been feeling very quiet and still lately but …. this is my contribution to Leanne Cole’s Monochrome Madness 4-7.  All are welcome to submit monochrome images!  (my images are places on Vancouver Island.) My tongue is silent Cradled in it’s dark cavern…

The Forest Primeval

Time flies by and I fear I will always be behind from now on, but, I have a few things for you. This was my submission to Leanne’s Monochrome Madness this week. Our west coast forest floors are laden with the ancient fern while giant fir trees keep the sky from collapsing. Ferns, cycads and tree ferns have…

A plethora of flowers

Here we are again, immersed in Spring which, due to the fickleness of west coast weather, is never predictable! But regardless of weather, by May,the wild flowers arrive in meadow and parkland. For Leanne Cole’s Monochrome Madness (4-3), I have chosen a nymph of the flowers, one of the anthousai, and you can find her in meadow and…