The Stolen Child (a story dedicated to Yeats and Ireland)

also called A Summer’s End -a short story: Megan looked over the last  of the Black -eyed Susans glowing in the morning sun. It was time to lock up the summer cottage forever, she thought.  Something happened yesterday that had confirmed all her old fears and misgivings about the place. Some years before she had…

Happy Hauntings! The Custodian’s Tale

I wish you all a Happy Halloween or Samhain. I hope you have left an offering at the crossroads and may all saints and all souls be blessed. I managed a little haunting for the occasion ( story)   and then another haunted tale The Custodian ( or Crypt Keeper) Mr. Wharton wearily made his…

The Last Witch of Scotland

People often walk by the place where I died. I have no grave, but only a stone to mark the spot where I met my fate. It still stands at the foot of someone’s private garden. There is no name on it, just a date, and I might add, an erroneous one. I did not…

Ghost Stories of Old Victoria

Old Chinatown.  (In the spirit of Ed Mooney’s wonderful ghost stories and history challenges,  here is a little local history. ) Fort Victoria was one of the last outposts of the British Empire (established by the Hudson’s Bay Fur Trading Company), and as with all frontier towns  had its’ share of colorful characters and lawlessness. At…

Castle Ghosts of Victoria

This was my offering to Ed Mooneys‘ spectacular Spooktacular for Halloween. The castle and grounds are a perfect afternoon haunt. Colwood is an area outside of Victoria and there, in a beautiful setting by the ocean, sits Hatley Castle.  Built by  architect Samuel MacLure for James Dunsmuir, the son of coal baron Robert Dunsmuir,  it lies on 565 acres…

The Cosmic Sneeze

Inspired by Leanne Cole’s  A Photo that Inspires Words Leanne put up a challenge to write something inspired by her beautiful  shadowy photo.  I use  my photos as illustrations in my own tales and this is the first time I’ve  written a tale based on another’s photography.  Great fun Leanne. Thank you. The old man sleeping…